Team thicc

We're fundraising for those lost and struggling with mental illness

We will be squatting our way through summer in the hope of reducing the stigma around mental illness and accessing mental health services. Never be afraid to reach out and ask for a hand, life can be tough even at the best of times.

In loving memory of Jack Kennedy, Nicole Mcness and Alison Evans. 

Thank you to our Sponsors


Caley Nicholson



Aunty Lea

Thanks Team Thicc. Nicole would be so proud of you all. You’re amazing humans.


Jen Worth ?

Good luck!


Kaileb Talbot

Good luck 🙏


Doulene Nicole Mcness

You're all amazing. Keeping our girls memory alive. Thank you xx




Brodie Burton


Jasmine Worth





Heather Mueller


Chris & Martin Billington

Go Jasmin!




Amy Kennedy




Brian Mohan

Good cause good luck Jasmine.