Frequently Asked Questions

Fundraising Guidelines

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Thank you for helping to raise funds for Lifeline Australia. Funds raised will enable us to answer more calls on our 24-hour telephone crisis support service – 13 11 14, to recruit and train more volunteers, to continue to provide and expand our suicide awareness and prevention programs nationally.

To help you coordinate your fundraising activity, and to comply with various fundraising and charity legislation, we have compiled the following guidelines that outline our mutual responsibilities, obligations to ensure your upcoming fundraising event is not only successful, but in accordance with the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991.

On approval of the signed and completed Fundraising Proposal Form, we will send an ‘Authorisation to Fundraise’ letter with an identification number, payment details and other relevant information. This constitutes an agreement, whereby the terms and conditions outlined in this document will be binding for Lifeline Australia (hence forward Lifeline Australia) and you, the Fundraising Coordinator. The ‘Fundraising Coordinator’ is defined as the individual or organisation conducting the fundraising activity on behalf of Lifeline.

Authority to fundraise for Lifeline Australia

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Lifeline is legally required to approve and authorise all fundraising activities. If your event is approved, we will send you an ‘Authorisation to Fundraise’ letter. This document can only be issued when:

  • We have received a completed and signed Fundraising Proposal Form;
  • We are satisfied the fundraising activity will represent Lifeline appropriately, upholding our mission and image;
  • We are satisfied the fundraising activity can produce a reasonable financial return after expenses have been deducted;
  • We are satisfied that the fundraising activity is not high risk.

The Fundraising Coordinator is not authorised to use Lifeline as its beneficiary charity without a written ‘Authorisation to Fundraise’ letter. Any changes to the details provided in the Fundraising Proposal Form, must be reported to Lifeline prior to the fundraising activity and may result in a new ‘Authorisation to Fundraise’ to be issued.

Approval to repeat an event must be requested from Lifeline each time, unless otherwise authorised.

If you have a business that wishes to donate a percentage of sales over a period to Lifeline, you will need to contact our office to negotiate an arrangement that satisfies Lifeline and complies with such an activity. Additional paperwork may need to be completed.

If you intend to involve children in your fundraising activity, you must explain your plans in your ‘Fundraising Proposal Form’ as there are specific codes of practice associated with children in fundraising that may apply, including observance of conditions under which children may be used as collectors, the degree of supervision required, conditions of employment and other obligations to protect their welfare and safety. Regardless, Lifeline requires appropriate permission and adult/parent/ guardian supervision. For fundraising, Lifeline considers a child as anyone under the age of 18. 2

The fundraising activity will be conducted in the name of the Fundraising Coordinator and is the sole responsibility of the Fundraising Coordinator.

Due to limited resources, Lifeline is unable to take a coordination role in the fundraising activity. This includes financial management, human resources, marketing, promotion, operational logistics, sponsorship procurement and soliciting of prizes and auction items. Where possible, advice and support will be offered.

The fundraising activity must be conducted in accordance with all applicable laws and must abide by all federal and state/territory legislation.

The Fundraising Coordinator is required to obtain and maintain any necessary insurance, permits, licenses, consents and authorisations required for the activity. For example, permits are required by councils and shopping centres for events in their area/ on their premises, and state/territory government permits may also be required for the conduct of raffles or prize draws. There are also regulations relating to liquor licensing and preparation of food. State/territory guidelines vary, so you will need to contact your relevant state/territory government body for details. Please contact our office for advice and support if required.

Lifeline Australia does not endorse any fundraising activity that involves telemarketing, door knocking, open bucket collections, violent or dangerous activities, or any activities that do not fit with Lifeline values.

Lifeline Australia is unable to provide public liability insurance to cover community fundraising activities and/or the Fundraising Coordinator.

If you plan to solicit contributions, sponsorship or in-kind gifts from businesses, the list of potential business sponsors must be reviewed and approved by Lifeline prior to approaching. A list of all contributions by companies must be submitted when making final remittance to Lifeline.

Fundraiser Responsibilities

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Your responsibilities as a fundraiser for Lifeline Australia

Any person, organisation or group (referred to below as the ‘organiser’) who decides to fundraise for Lifeline Australia must accept the following responsibilities:

  • The event will be conducted in the organiser’s name, who will be solely responsible for managing the fundraiser in an appropriate and responsible way.
  • The organiser must comply with any obligations imposed by fundraising legislation or regulations in their relevant State or Territory. Any necessary permits, authorities to fundraise, insurance, or licenses must be secured by the organiser of the event, prior to the event.
  • The organiser is responsible for ensuring the safety of the event, including organising appropriate public liability insurance and providing first aid services if required.
  • All funds raised by the organiser from the public will be held on behalf of Lifeline Australia by the organiser until the fundraiser is completed. The organiser needs to make sure that the funds are kept in a secure place, full records of income are made and that these are sent to Lifeline Australia within 28 days of the event taking place. It is a legal requirement that all funds are banked within 28 days of any fundraising activity. Fundraisers are not permitted to retain money from one year to the next. Please contact Lifeline Australia for banking details.
  • Children under the age of 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult when collecting donations of money.
  • The organiser fully agrees to release Lifeline Australia permissible under the law for all claims and demands of any kind associated with the event, for all liability or costs that may arise in respect to any damage, loss or injury occurring to any person in any way associated with the event caused by your breach of these responsibilities or your negligence.
  • Lifeline Australia reserves our right to terminate our support for the fundraising activity or event at any time if it appears that there is a likelihood of the organiser failing to meet any of the above responsibilities.
  • The organiser verifies that they are in proper physical and mental condition to organise and run the fundraising event and acknowledge that they are aware of the risks involved and voluntarily agree to assume those risks.
  • The organiser agrees that should the fundraising activity place undue stress, duress, distress to them financially, socially or on their physical and mental wellbeing; they will notify Lifeline Australia immediately and in doing so Lifeline Australia reserves the right to withdraw the authority to fundraise.
  • The organiser agrees to conduct themselves in a befitting manner representing Lifeline Australia. Any behaviour deemed to be damaging Lifeline’s good name or good will in the community will result in immediate termination of the organiser’s authority to fundraise.

Media and Public Relations

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Due to limited resources, Lifeline cannot undertake media relations for the Fundraising Coordinator. Media Guidelines will be provided if the fundraising activity is approved.

All media materials and press releases must be approved by Lifeline prior to distribution.

Lifeline must be notified of all planned media activity in advance, and of all unplanned media activity immediately.

Any approach made to celebrities for support must be discussed with Lifeline and approved prior to any contact being made.

A representative from Lifeline may be available to attend your fundraising activity however the request must be made well in advance of the event. Determination for representation will be based upon staff availability and date of event.

The level, mode and/or percentage of support for Lifeline must be explicitly stated on all materials and correspondence relating to the fundraising activity, e.g. 100% of proceeds will be donated; 100% profit will be donated; $x per item will be donated; income will be split with another charity, etc.

Use of Lifeline Australia name and logo

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Lifeline must always be identified as the ‘beneficiary’ or ‘charity partner’ of the fundraising activity. The Fundraising Coordinator has no right to the names ‘Lifeline Australia’ and ‘Lifeline’. In naming the event ‘Lifeline’ should not be used in the title however, the fundraising activity may be promoted as ‘proudly supporting Lifeline’.

Prior approval must be sought from Lifeline for any promotional materials (printed or electronic) or advertisements associated with the fundraising activity.


Not Acceptable

proudly supporting Lifeline Australia, with $X,XXX donated to Lifeline’s crisis support and suicide prevention services.

Lifeline Australia with X% of net proceeds being donated to Lifeline’s crisis support and suicide prevention services.

The disclosure must state an actual dollar amount or the percentage of the gross proceeds, which needs to be an actual dollar amount.

The Fundraising Coordinator must seek prior approval from Lifeline for use of the Lifeline logo and/or name on any materials or products.

Permission for logo usage may attract conditions, negotiated between Lifeline and the Fundraising Coordinator, especially if the use of logo is for marketing activities of an organisation, and a minimum donation may have to be guaranteed.

If logo usage is approved, Lifeline will provide a high-resolution version of the logo and guidelines on how to use the logo will be supplied.

  • Use of Lifeline Australia’s name or logo is strictly controlled, and fundraising organisers are not permitted to use these on any communications or materials produced for your fundraiser without prior written approval.
  • If permission to use the Lifeline Australia logo is granted, the organiser must not alter, reproduce or amend the logo in any way that breaches the integrity of the trademark design (e.g. changes to colour, stretching or skewing original dimensions, cropping or other additions to the design).
  • The Lifeline Australia logo use is limited to collateral development specifically for an event or approved fundraising activity for an event or approved fundraising activity for an agreed business, specific products and/or services (related to the fundraising activity).
  • Lifeline Australia’s name cannot be used as part of your event’s name as this would indicate incorrectly that the event is an official event from Lifeline Australia. Instead you can say that funds raised are to be donated to Lifeline Australia.
  • Lifeline Australia may approve the use of an acknowledgement stating the relationship between the fundraising event and Lifeline. Suggested wording includes:
    • “Proudly supporting Lifeline Australia” or
    • “Funds raised help support Lifeline’s 24-hour telephone crisis support service 13 11 14”
  • If you prepare any literature that refers to Lifeline, we ask that you let us see a draft copy before publishing or printing. Could you also please ensure that Lifeline Australia is always referred to as “Lifeline Australia”.
  • Lifeline Australia cannot undertake media relations on behalf of the organiser but may provide advice on producing any media materials. Please notify Lifeline Australia if you intend to approach any media regarding your fundraising event. Media releases must be approved by Lifeline Australia prior to distribution to media outlets.
  • Please make sure that you do not use the charity name in any way or behave in any way that is damaging to Lifeline Australia brand. Your communications must clearly state the amount of funds that will go to Lifeline Australia.
  • Under no circumstances are organisers are allowed to manufacture, sell or license any goods bearing the name, emblem or logo of Lifeline Australia (called unofficial merchandise) without prior discussion and paperwork issued. Lifeline Australia official merchandise is available for on-sale by organisers and details are available from Lifeline Australia website.


Privacy Policy

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Lifeline uses and protects any information that is provided to the organisation via any community fundraising event or via monetary donations pursuant to the National Privacy Principles (NPP) in the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988.

Lifeline will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law.

Donor Receipts

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Lifeline Australia is a registered charity and donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. Lifeline Australia can provide the organiser with receipt books. Please note that the Australian Taxation Office have ruled that donations are not tax-deductible if a person receives goods or services in return for the money given (i.e. the purchase of any services or items, raffle / action / competition tickets or event entry tickets etc.) For further information on tax deductibility visit the Australian Taxation Office website, https://www.ato.gov.au


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Lifeline Australia cannot pay expenses incurred by the organiser, but the organiser can debit necessary expenses from the proceeds of the fundraising activity, if they are properly documented. The fundraiser must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the expenses do not exceed a fair and reasonable proportion of the gross proceeds obtained from the event