WA Truckies: Defying Mental Illness

By Emilee Hawkins

My Activity Tracking


I have worked in the transport industry for just shy of 3 years and despite this being a short period of time in comparison to some, I have witnessed first hand the stress and severe health risks working in such a challenging industry.

Our truck drives and transport professionals experience isolation, extremeley long working hours and chronic fatigue with 1 in 5 truck drivers experincing mental health issues. Adding to this our industry has the highest fatality rates with 1 in 3 killed in the workplace as a truck driver.

With the extreme demands on our industry, from it's birth and especially now during COVID-19, I am asking us to stand together and raise awareness about the issues many of us have been facing. 

There is no pressure to donate as times are tough for all but if everyone could take 5 minutes out of their day to recognise the concern and check in on your collegues & loved ones, we could all save a life. 

Thank you for taking the time to read - it's extremely appreciated.

Remember it is okay to not be okay! :)

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Thank you!!

Thank you all so far for your amazing contributions! Means so so much to me. Let’s keep fighting together for a great cause! 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Bw James Transport


Bruce James

Well done 😃


Montague Transport

Well done


Warradale Transport


Kipp Webster


Jourdan Moore


Emilee Hawkins


Renee Brennan

Great work for a worthy cause! We all need support at different times in our lives.