Liz Bradshaw

10,000 Steps A Day in March Challenge

A glimpse of my history

Again, I'll be walking for this cause. Last year we raised almost $400, this year I'm aiming for $600. 
I have had poor mental health my whole life. I've experienced alot of trauma for as long as I can remember. Then abuse from 15 years old, to 2017.
I'm not ashamed of my mental health..and I don't want others to be ashamed of theirs. 
Let's break the stigma! If I didn't have lifeline there to talk me through what had gone on, there's a chance I would be gone right now.  This is an awesome cause ❤️

I'm fundraising for...

Thank you to my Sponsors


Chris Parr


Wendy Walker

So proud of you ❤️


Aidan Parr



Proud of you, Liz!!!


Christine Parr

You go girl, with you all the way. So very proud of you.




Suzie Moore



Facebook Donation


Liz Bradshaw


Brendan Parr