
10,000 Steps A Day in March Challenge

I'm fundraising for...

I’m fundraising for anyone and everyone who has ever needed lifeline 🥰

My Achievements

My Updates

Last days

The last three days of the challenge were the hardest, though no Matt what I am proud of my achievements and thank everyone for the support! 
Love you all x

317,688 steps

Heading into the last week of March I wanted to calculate how many steps I’ve done so far all up, if I’m correct I’ve done 317,688 steps. Committing to doing the 10,000 steps everyday in March challenge has been so rewarding. It’s the having something to aim for everyday and knowing that it’s helping others too! I have said a few times that it’s hard work some days and super easy other days, regardless it’s been great and I’m pretty happy with how I’ve been going! 


Hit the two week mark! 
I didn’t really notice I had done two weeks until I went to write it down on my calendar. I think I and everyone that has chosen to do this challenge are doing such a great job. 

One Week

I have officially done a week of the 10,000 steps a day challenge and have successfully achieved 10,000 steps everyday so far. 
I’d like to thank all who have donated and all who have supported me this week and for this challenge. 

First Day

First day of this challenge has gone by awesomely! Finished up with 13,115 steps! Super dooper excited for the next 30 days! 

Friday, 23rd February

for this weeks practice run I’m averaging 7,853 steps, I’m going to be raising that average and doing better in the next couple of days before March hits us and the real fun begins. Fridays step count though was 11,118 steps and that’s a win. Also want to take a moment to thank those who have donated so far! 

That’s all now until March! 

Tuesday, 20th February

By the end of today I will have done just over 10,000 steps, right now I’ve done 10,074 steps and this is great for a Tuesday. The next week in the lead up to March I’m seeing how many steps I do and adding in some more walking at the end of the day if I need too to get to 10,000. I will do another post Friday. 

Monday 19th February

So today I did a practice run to see how I went getting 10,000 steps on a Monday. 
Drum roll please….
10,200 Steps. 
A great effort, going to keep up these steps for lifeline! 

Every step counts..

10,000 steps everyday in March is going to be a challenge but I can do this! Every step counts and any amount raised is great because it will go to helping lifeline keep helping people who need it! 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Milton Grant



Jo Muir

Great work Shan! You're inspiring.





Haley S



Deni Aoun

Well done Shan!!


Jessy Ramdhony

Great job Shan keep up the good work 👏


Cindy Warren


Delia Meagher

Great cause Shan You've got this👏


Di Wagner

Well done Shannon, happy to donate, it’s a great cause🩷


Scarlett Jennings

Well done Shan...such a great cause.